Ever felt heartbroken?

So I happened to meet an old friend today who had been asking me to meet for quite a while. A few minutes into the conversation, I realized the reason why. She started crying missing the guy she broke up with, almost two months back and wanted me to talk to her about it. Of all the friends she had, she just wanted to speak to me. And I still don’t know why. She loved him with all her heart, but things just didn’t work between the two – a story which I’m sure a lot of you must’ve heard, or witnessed yourselves. I had to feed her ice cream, and momos to make her feel better, because clearly talks weren’t helping much initially.

And I see this happen with a lot of people every now and then. People thinking about, stalking their exes, seeing that new status they just uploaded, that guy/girl who they go out, get a picture clicked with with and so on. You get the point, right?

But here’s an advice that I gave to her, that I wanted to share with all of you. Don’t let this feeling of missing someone, be it a boyfriend, girlfriend or friend lag for too long.

Of all the people who love you and care for you, how is it that the presence or absence of that one person can affect your lives so bad?

Don’t feel sad about it. Be happy about the fact that happened, be happy that you got to know someone who was completely different from who you are, be happy to know that amazing feeling that love made you feel, and made you do things you never would’ve done otherwise. Be happy about the fact that the experience made you a better person, a person with a stronger heart, a person who can spot the wrong people better – if not the right ones.

As long as you are honest about that person you have been with, and loved the person with all your heart, there shouldn’t be a reason for you to repent.

And most importantly, learn to realize the importance of loving yourself, loving yourself so much that any person telling you they don’t love you anymore shouldn’t hurt you for too long.

And the harsh reality? Someone broke your heart today, and you might probably be on the other side someday – it doesn’t mean either of you were wrong or bad, but you two just weren’t the right fit, and it is completely okay.

There’s no dearth of amazing people around. And if you can’t find them in person, you can always swipe right. If you know what I mean. 🙂

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